Wednesday, November 7, 2007

अनोखी दीवाली

दीनभर खेल कीरणों की होली
आदीत्य समा गया है मानो
पश्चीम बाला की झोली

गोधूली की ये बेला अलबेली
संध्या के मस्तक पर देखो ज्यों
सद्य अभीषीक्त कुंकुम रोली

आ रही है नीशी बाला मतवाली
हाथों में सजाये है देखो
सुंदर सपनों की थाली

नज़र कहीं ना लग जाये अली
कह रही है मानो
सल्लज गालों की लाली

की्ड़ा ऱत है तारक वृंदों की टोली
आसमां का आँगन सजा है
चंदा मामा के घर आज दीवाली

इन सब से अनजान दुनीया पगली
बेखबर पलकें बंद कीये है
जग का आँगन खाली-खाली...

Monday, November 5, 2007

life is for is not....

Life is for is not
sunshine is for sure...spring is not.

Spring is a lot more than just sunshine galore
few sweet moments and wounds bleeding, sore.

A beautiful manifestation of many phases
spring gets a life after many stages.

Remember the thirsty dry terrains
calling for her love - the rains
and the dark wandering cloud
guided by its love chariot's reins
racing down to end his beloved's pains
love thundering in its melting contains.

Love oozes from wet earth - the mother proud
soon as little shoots of life start coming out
there is joy abound spread all over, buzzing
behold, comes the sunshine and winds gushing
to wish the new mom and the little cuties
kissing their tiny hands, humming sweeties.

Mother's affection apart, life's its own way
all lifes fight for existence or fade away
winners survive it through to the mark
the unfortunate ones embrace the dark.

Life is not everyone's cup of tea
its a boat's journey on a rough sea
it takes men of spirit to enjoy its favours
dead spirits surely miss its many flavours

An ode to the buds which could not become flowers
all those lifes which could not live their shares.

Life is for living...miss it not the least
Live every moment, live it full,live it best